How To Make Whipped Coffee At Home

How To Make Whipped Coffee At Home

Perhaps you picked up on the whipped coffee trend scrolling through Instagram or maybe you're starting to see whipped coffee pop up in coffee shops near you. Either way, now is the perfect time to give it a whirl at home (you'll get this pun in a minute). Here's how to make a light, fluffy whipped coffee in the comfort of your kitchen:


(photo credit: mos_story)



  1. Add Instant Americano, sugar, and hot water in a mason jar. 
  2. Using a handheld frother, blend the mixture for 3-4 minutes. 
  3. Place a lid on the mason jar and shake for another 30-60 seconds.
  4. Dollop a spoonful onto a few ounces of any milk of your choice. It also pairs very well with ice cream or gelato! 
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1 comment

  • That sounds really good. After things get better I’ll have to try this. I was looking around your site because of the free sample but I read your post and I’m sorry that happened to you. I will have to order later and I was thinking to myself if a touch of cinnamon was added how it would taste. Thank you because at least I know about this coffee for a later date.

    Brenda PruittGilliam

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