Four Surprising Health Benefits of Cordyceps

Four Surprising Health Benefits of Cordyceps

Next on the list of superfood mushrooms behind Lion’s ManeTurkey Tail, and Chaga? Cordyceps, commonly known in China as “Winter worm, summer grass”. This mushroom variety, which has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries to treat fatigue, sickness, kidney disease, and low sex drive is distinguished in appearance by way of its bright orange color (1). 

Sports nutrition products and supplements containing Cordyceps extract have become increasingly popular due to their potent and varied health benefits.



(photo credit: Wicked Healthy)

Here are four of the most notable:

1. Enhance Endurance and Energy

It's believed that Cordyceps may increase the body's ability to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), providing your muscles with more energy and improving the way your body utilizes oxygen (2).

In one study, participants who supplemented with Cordyceps (CS-4) increased their VO2 max, a measurement of your body's oxygen uptake during exercise, by 7%, while participants given a placebo pill showed no change (3).

In a similar study, younger adults who supplemented with CS-4 for three weeks increased their VO2 max by 11% compared to a placebo group (4).

2. Improve Libido and Sex Drive

Want a natural alternative to libido-enhancing medication? Try the ultimate natural aphrodisiac - Cordyceps mushrooms. 

One study reported that when a Cordyceps supplement was administered to 22 males for 8 weeks, it showed 33% increase in sperm count and 29% decrease in the sperm malformations, and 79% increase in the sperm survival rate. It also reported that Cordyceps caused an improvement of libido and desire at 86% in women (5).

3. Fight Cancer and Tumor Growth

Over the years, we're learning that more and more mushroom species are particularly useful when it comes to warding off cancer cells in the body. Cordyceps is no exception!

In test-tube studies, Cordyceps have been shown to prevent the growth of many types of human cancer cells, including lung, skin and liver cancers (6)

Another study conducted on mice that developed leukopenia after radiation and treatments with Taxol, a common chemotherapy drug, showed that Cordyceps reversed the leukopenia (7).

While the research is promising, it's important to note that these studies do not definitively prove, or even suggest, that Cordyceps alone is an effective anti-cancer treatment. 

 4. Anti-Inflammatory and Heart Health 

While Cordyceps are still viewed with a skeptical eye in the United States, it's been approved in China for the treatment of arrhythmia, a condition in which the heartbeat is too slow, too fast or irregular (8). This doesn't come as a big surprise considering the Chinese have centuries of experience using Cordyceps mushrooms for medicinal purposes.

While there aren't many human studies connecting Cordyceps with improved heart health, Cordyceps contains high levels of adenosine, a naturally occurring compound that promotes heart health. Cordyceps have also been shown to decrease triglyceride levels (a type of fat linked to a higher risk of heart disease) in mice (9)

Each serving of NeuRoast Classic Roast mushroom coffeeInstant Americano, and Instant Latte packs over 300 mg of Cordyceps mushroom extracts for a potent blast of antioxidants so you can start experiencing the benefits above! Pure Cordyceps mushroom extracts are coming to NeuRoast.com in the near future. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive instant updates and pre-order information!

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  • I love this stuff! I recently had to give up a lot due to needed dietary restrictions, including coffee. Being somewhat of a “coffee snob” I simply gave up on trying to find alternatives to my long-time gourmet coffee, until I discovered Neuroast. It’s definitely my type of food – suoerfood

    Carla Johnson

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